Many authors contact me about how best to find a book lit agent.  In this new publishing world we now live in…most publishers will not accept an author’s  proposal unless it comes from a REAL lit agent. While agents cannot guarantee your book will be published, they can make sure it gets into the right hands and is read at a range of publishers they may work with. A good lit  agent will review your book proposal before it is submitted to a publisher and will give an author ideas, suggestions or even some edits to help you improve the book before it is sent off to a publisher the agent feels best suits your book.

Know that a lit agent can get your book  “sold” in the print and/or e-book marketplace in a more speedier fashion than you could ever do on your own.  Lit agents become your biz rep of sorts…the look after your book, collect publisher advances, deal with publisher contract negotiations for you, keep an eye on royalty payments, etc….in other words, they are your guide  to take your manuscript into marketplace.  To start looking for an agent I suggest going to this web site, which will give the author a range of agents to review and the genres they represent as well. Or, another good source site for those seeking a lit agent is The Association of Authors Representatives at  This can be a journey of learning…becoming aware of things you never expected or knew…and one needs to be patient,  above all.


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2 Responses to LA book publicist’s author guide to lit agents

  1. Alsion Wilson says:

    I read your blog on this subject a month ago maybe. I found your blog entry quite helpful. Thank you

    Last week I was approached by a Hollywood producer who is interested in optioning my Young Adult book, or maybe even purchasing all film and TV rights. We shall see. Can you point me to a good lit agent or good lit lawyer who can guide me in this process if they option or buy book rights?

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